Friday, April 9, 2010

The post that was supposed to be...

Tonight was supposed to be the night when we all got to have a good laugh over our bad photos from the past. I have to say you've all disappointed me by not playing my little game. The only person who wanted to participate was Megan who sent me a good one but since it's the only one I'm not going to post it. It's not fair to have everyone laughing at her all by herself. Thanks for playing though Megan, I appreciate it.

So my contest goes down in flames. I guess they can't all be winners huh?


Megan said...

Boooooo on everyone else.

Unknown said...

OH NO!! I am sooooo sorry , I completely forgot!! If I find something tomorrow can we post and laugh even though they are late??

Kennie said...

l would have participated, but I have no photos of me when I was younger here with me in Yukon!

Lindsay Niedzielski said...

I'm going to copy Kennie's excuse...I have many (many, and many.....) but all of them are in storage (as it was before digital camera became sad is that?). I love contests though so if you come up with another one I will definitely try to participate!!!!

Sarah said...

argh... i completely forgot too!! this week has been mad busy.... hmmmm but as I type that...I'm not sure I have one... they might all be at my mum's in Ontario!

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

I was on holidays! Still a bad excuse, I know!