Friday, July 2, 2010

Pangnirtung Canada Day

It was hard to believe it was July 1st yesterday considering we where wearing warm coats for the morning festivities. But hey, that's Canada Day in the arctic. The turn out was great and everyone had a good time dispite the weather. We also ended up with a little holiday miracle because they had been forcasting rain later in the day which would have put a real damper on our plans for a barbeque. Luckily, the sun came out right around 4pm so we had a great evening around the campfire eating yummy char, steaks, burgers and salads. My favorite part of the whole day? The parade of course! There is nothing that says celebration like a bunch of cars, trucks and atv's following eachother around the town with hardly anyone watching. Why? Because everyone is in the parade.

Happy Birthday Canada!!

I love it when people get really into the occasion.

The candy toss....

One member of Oliver's fan club.

Our 'family' celebration

Somehow the horse lost his tail.

1 comment:

That is the chicken said...

Fascinating post and pictures. Loved it!