Thursday, October 22, 2009

Silence isn't always golden

I read on Northland Adventures that with kids, quiet isn't always a good thing. I'm really coming to learn that those words could not be more true. The other day I was watching TV and Oliver was roaming around the living room as he loves to do and I suddenly realised #1-I couldn't see him and #2-I couldn't hear him. This is what I found.

Now this is nothing compared to what Lindsay found when she turned her back but O's only 10 months old. He's got time to work up to her girl's level. Please, if you are looking for a good laugh check click on Linday's name above and check out the post. If you don't smile, you must dead inside.


Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan said...

ahahahah AWESOME! Now just wait until he throws the whole role of toilet paper into the toilet and you don't find it for a few hours.... good god what a mess!

Lindsay Niedzielski said...

Thanks for the link Morena - but just you wait, Hanna started with the toilet paper fact, that's when I think the whole obsession started....your turn may come:) I would invest in a toilet lock thing, but then Paige wouldn't be able to go to the bathroom herself, but it would be something I would recommend if O starts showing some favoritism towards the bathroom - cause as much as we try, we can't seem to keep that door shut all the time!!!

Nicole said...

Hahahahaha. That is awesome!!! Both my girls had an obsession with the toilet paper and toilet as well. Pacey still likes to unravel the whole roll if you leave it on the holder so it currently sits on the counter in the bathroom. I found her making little balls with it the other day and putting them in the sink. Lindsays post and pics were so funny I'm still laughing. :-)

Sarah said...

so cute!! have to love the whole 'cause and effect' learning happening!!!

:) Sarah

Anonymous said...

He is awesome. He's taking all off the roll nicely, not chewing or ripping. What more could you ask for. This must have been during Tank's leisure hours or I could have seen him participating. I pity poor Lindsay having to keep that bowl clean ALL the time. Looking forward to the big day we'll see you all again.

Aida said...

that is just the beginning!! :) Ben cant stop flushing the toilet, is friggin annoying! i keep the bathroom door closed at all times. I've caught Ava with toilet paper trying to wipe the bathtub!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! We haven't had this come up at our place yet. The kids tend to get creative on each other's faces with markers and make-up. Could be an interesting post in the future if I remember to grab my camera rather than a cloth first. Thanks for the link too!