Sunday, January 23, 2011

No More Plastic

This will be old news for my northern readers but Monday this week the Northern has moved into the 21st century. Just like Sobey's, Superstore and everyone else down south, they have started charging for bags. Honestly, it's about time. It's a small thing that can make a big impact in our little community since of course they end up at the dump. When the wind blows, the lighter contents of the dump end up all over town. Plastic bags are light so they tend to make up a huge part of our litter. And they burn the dump here and we all know burning plastic is nasty environmentally so less of it is a good thing.

Between the litter and environmental positives this new initiative is a great idea. My only issue is that when you forget your bags (and I do often) they charge you 25 cents per bag! I know there is the 'northern prices' thing and all but really? A quarter? Then again, maybe this high price will ensure that people (me included) make more of an effort to remember their reusable bags.


Anonymous said...

Hi Morena

I am looking for some information about moving to Nunavut. I would like to know the cost of hydro, internet conections, telephone, housing. The area I'm looking for is Kugluktuk, or Cambridge Bay.
Thank you for any info you can pass on.


Mongoose said...

Yeah, it's a lot more to smack you in the head than to recover the cost of the bag. It certainly motivates me to remember my bags.

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested to see what the stats are in a couple of months as to how many bags are being guess is that the Northern is going to make a killing on this!!!

jen said...

It doesn't motivate me to bring bags, just like those horrible gross adds on cigarettes never used to motivate me to quit. It bothers me because I know they are making money off of this, while claiming they are being green. I know they don't care about the environment, after seeing all the garbage they throw out. Things that are totally edible and useful, completely trashed because they don't want the employees to eat or take anything.
It's all a front, they look good this way.

That being said, I never remember my bags, but I refuse to buy any either. I just push my cart out to the car and pack up the trunk like I've just been to costco... obviously you can't do this. 25 cents is a massive rip. I guess they won't be double bagging anymore eh!

Anonymous said...

All of the money collected is going to local enviornmental causes. The Northern is still paying for the bags and the shipping to get them to each community, but that quarter ends up somewhere in the town. Here in Igloolik, it's going for improved fencing at the landfill, and to start a "clean-up crew" at the high school.

I think 25 cents was picked because that was what is now charged by the Gov't of NWT, there was a 75%+ drop in bags used at that rate.

Jason in Igloolik

Morena said...

Thanks for that info Jason. That's really good to know. I must admit I figured it was a money making thing more so than anything else but didn't want to be too negative in the post. I'm really glad to hear that. I'll have to find out what they're going to use the money for here and post about it.

jen said...

Just so we are clear, I'm talking about the Superstore and Loblaws. I'm glad to hear the Northern will be using the money for positive non-profit making things....although I'm still a little skeptical. lol

Megan said...

Yeah, it's 25 cents per bag here in the NWT. Ours is a government program, though: the money goes to a special fund that supports environmental initiatives.

Over here, they picked the 25-cent cost on purpose. When the bags are 3 or 5 cents, people shrug and pay it. You're not going to pay 25 cents; you're going to bring a bag. We got some large plastic tubs that fit into the shopping cart. They're even better than the bags.

Anonymous said...

Back in September, our municipality imposed a total ban on single-use plastic bags. Took some getting used to and it is a huge pain the odd time I have forgotten my bags but I think its a good idea.