Wednesday, March 3, 2010

In Training

Sunday we had a few people over to watch the big game and Nick took the opportunity to give Oliver his first lesson in stocking the fridge. I know Nick wishes that it was beer being stocked but the lesson is the same. Next he'll learn how to go to the fridge and bring dad one of those newly stocked items. By the time we have access to beer again he should be really good at both activities.


lindsay Niedzielski said...

It really is good to start early!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello there!
I am so glad to find someone who will be in Pang with a young child! I am in the process of applying and planning to move - if I am successful in the competition that this - to Pang with my 18 month old son. Its going to be a big change for us, but I wanted to make sure I have my i's dotted and my t's crossed before I come. Are there daycares or childcare in Pang? Is this available in the english language? Are there community events for children? I have many more questions, but would you please write back! Thanks! Jennifer

Morena said...

Jennifer! I love hearing that Oliver may have a friend his age. It's much easier to answer questions off the blog so I hope you'll email me at my personal email. morenasteeves at

Hope to hear from you soon.