Sunday, August 9, 2009

What's in a name?

On the news the other day I saw a story about this woman in Arkansas who's pregnant with her seventh child. She's currently unemployed so she came up with the crazy idea to sell the rights to her baby's legal name on Ebay. She started the bidding at $150 and was apparently hoping to make over $25,000 or more to help buy a "trustworthy car and to relieve her sister's burden of supporting her and her cash-strapped family." To this I say, SERIOUSLY??

Well, I guess you could call it a 21st century method of pan handling. Should I actually give her props for creativity and the fact that she's at least trying to offer up something rather than just having her hand out? I guess I just think that she shouldn't be pregnant at all when she doesn't have a way to support the six children she already has. And what about the kid who could end up with some horrible name. I read one post that said that if they won the auction they would name him 'Mistake #7'.

Before writing this I signed on to Ebay to see what the bid was up to. However, since Fox News broke the story the auction has been removed. I will assume there was no winner since the auction was only scheduled to end today. I'd like to think that she got smart and pulled the add. Or maybe some sugar daddy (or momma) came out of the woodwork and helped her out with a new car, a bunch of cash and hopefully an IUD.

I did notice however that hers was not the only 'charity' auction going on. Another woman, a young mother of three, is claiming her car is dead and needs money to replace it. She's promising a picture of the new car and a thank you note for the winning bid and is hoping to get a Durango. I say again... Seriously??

So am I heartless? Am I the one that's out of touch for thinking that this is very tacky and wrong? I really hope that whatever happens, that poor unborn baby ends up a Timmy or a Johnny.

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